Cecile Noldus
Animation Artist





Welcome in my botanicum! I am obsessed with the world of plants and flowers. They are amazing creatures, colourful, sensual, sad. Sad, because their are condemned to fade away much to soon. How many people have sang their beauty? What can I add to these songs? All I can do is add my own colour and make their beauty last! So I collect all the pieces of textile that come my way, feel their texture, their skin, their colours, and build botanical beauties out of them. It is a drug to see them grow, always different, an endless world of variables. It is a game for me. No story needed like in a film. The only story to tell is about the infinite world of manic, magic flowers...  


 This is a Yoko flower, for a baby with a special name

Mixed botanicum 1 (2016)

Mixed botanicum 2 (2016)

Thirsty flower, blue star, white tree (2016) 


Building lots of stems, getting inspriation, printing and sewing old t-shirts.

Building a lilly: printing cotton with rubber stamps...

cutting slices...

sewing hearts...

 lots of leaves...

become wild lillies! 



An infite world of magic, manic flowers...